Cuong works for the city of Austin at the One Texas Center just south of downtown, however, he lives in northwest Austin. This can be quite the commute but Cuong has made the best of it. He vanpools to work using the Rideshare program from Capital Metro and he shifts his schedule so he is not commuting to work during peak traffic – 7 to 9 a.m. and 5 to 7 p.m.
Cuong meets with his carpool buddies, Greg, Jennifer, and Sergio at 5:50 a.m. at Lakeline Station – where there is reserved vanpool parking – to start their commute to work. They arrive to work by 6:30 a.m.
Vanpooling allows Cuong to reduce his carbon footprint, and number vehicles on the while saving money and tear and wear on his vehicle “With the federal and city subsidy, my commute almost does not cost me anything,” he said.
Cuong enjoys his commute because it shortens his drive time, it is less stressful than commuting alone, and he enjoys the people with which he commutes. I have a great group of vanpool buddies to joke around with during the commute time – what’s not to like?”
The biggest challenge with his commute is sticking to the same schedule. Since Cuong is the vanpool driver her has to be dependable and punctual. His advice is not to be afraid of sticking to a schedule because you will adjust after a couple weeks.
Thanks Cuong, you and your carpool buddies are helping the region fight traffic and pollution with your commute solution!