“Over 13 years ago when my wife and I (John) decided that we were returning to Austin, it was my desire that we find a home that was on a popular bike route, so I could ride to work from time to time and FM 2244 was one of the best bets. After a few weeks of off and on riding from just outside Bee Cave to Barton Springs Road, I found myself enjoying the morning commute by pedal far more than sitting in a car. I found that I had more energy at work and a far better disposition, at least in the morning. I have to admit, the location is a top selling point and one not available to all. After a warm, muggy ride downtown, it is a joy to stop by the springs for a quick dip, more than desirable this time of year.
The most common comment I hear from people is about the bad Austin drivers. It is funny, but as a cyclist, I have found that the vast majority of the drivers have either stayed out of my way or have been more than courteous, though you never let your guard down. From my cycling friends, I have heard horror stories about other cities, but I feel the community here is quite supportive and in sync with the active and eclectic lifestyle that is Austin.
If you ever want to start a bike commute, begin with the bike map and try a few routes on the weekends. Be creative as you can probably find gems that help you on your way, like the Walnut Creek or Shoal Creek trails. Find a local cyclery that you can depend on, keep your bike in top form, learn to fix flats and always be alert.”
Thanks, John! Commute Solutions loves that you are able to incorporate transit into your commute and hopes that your story will inspire others to give it a try.