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Commute Solutions
Commute Solutions is a “one-stop” transportation resource in Central Texas promoting sustainable options that reduce traffic and improve mobility.
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Tired of driving alone in your car? Visit myCommuteSolutions and find some new ways to get from here to there! You can search for a carpool buddy, plan a transit trip, look for a bike route, and log your commute for rewards.
- Are You Ready to Rock (The Car-Free Festival Experience)? September 27, 2019
- Car2Go is backing out of Austin as crippling mobility issues continue September 23, 2019
- The Small-City Vision Zero Challenge September 23, 2019
- PARKing day challenges Austin’s use of public space September 20, 2019
- Increasing Access to Biking and Walking Trails for All in Austin, Texas September 12, 2019
- CAMPO adopts plan for transportation demand management September 10, 2019
- Austin traffic worsens, now ranking 14th most congested city in nation September 9, 2019
- What Urban Sprawl Is Really Doing to Your Commute September 3, 2019